Online Tuition That Works
Why choose online tutoring with Teachmeschool?
Supplements and consolidates school learning
Get taught by expert tutors
Learn topics in advance to get an advantage in exams
From £25/hr
Get taught by students at top universities who understand how your child learns
Learn from the comfort of your own home
Individually tailored teaching
Work around a time that fits you - easy scheduling and rescheduling
How does it work?
2. Arrange a FREE consultation
Once you're put in contact with a tutor, have a chat with them! You can use these free consultations to discuss what you expect from your lessons with your tutor and what specifically you would like the tutor to work on with your child. Once you've signed up you can always have a couple of free meetings with different tutors and then choose the tutor you like the most!
3. Ready...Set...Learn!
After you find a tutor that you like, you can get started straight away by booking some lessons with them! Payment is invoiced to you after every lesson.